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Department of Elementary and Special Education


All scholarship applications are available through the MTSU’s Online Scholarship Application Site.
Use “College of Education” in the Description and Name Search Box.

Below you will find a list and descriptions of the scholarships available.

Albert L. and Ethel Carver Smith Scholarship 

Applicant must be a graduate student displaying evidence of exceptional promise for academic excellence and social concerns. Contact the College of Graduate Studies for scholarship details. 

Applications: Sam Ingram Building Deadline: June 30.

Alpha Delta Kappa (Theta Chapter) International Teachers’ Sorority Scholarship in Education 

Applicant must be enrolled in a curriculum leading to teacher licensure and be eligible for student teaching. Preference will be given to a resident of Rutherford County. 

GPA: Minimum 3.00. Deadline: February 15

Baxter E. Hobgood Scholarship

Applicant must be enrolled in a curriculum leading to teacher licensure and be eligible for admission to Teacher Education. 

Deadline: February 15  

Betty Jo Hyde Welch Memorial Scholarship

Applicant must be a Junior or Senior enrolled in a curriculum leading to teacher licensure in Middle Level Education and demonstrate service to the campus and community. 

GPA: Minimum 3.50. Deadline: February 15  

Charles Worthy Babb Scholarship

Applicant must be enrolled in a curriculum leading to licensure in Middle Level Education or Special Education. Preference will be given to a resident of Lenoir City, Tennessee. 

GPA: Minimum 3.00. Deadline: February 15 

Daisy Briscoe Endowed Scholarship

Applicant must be a Tennessee resident enrolled in a curriculum leading to teacher licensure in Middle Level Education K-5 or 6-8, or Special Education and must be a Junior or Senior. Applicant must express an interest in teaching in a rural area or area of poverty. 

GPA: Minimum 3.0. Deadline: February 15 

Delmar B. and Mary A. Plckat Memorial Education Endowment Scholarship

A love for children and pride and respect for teaching. Preference will be given to students majoring in Science Education. 

GPA: Minimum 3.25. Deadline: February 15 

Dr. Delores Doyle Elementary Education Scholarship

Applicant must be a Junior or Senior enrolled in a curriculum leading to teacher licensure in Middle Level Education. 

GPA: Minimum 3.00. Deadline: February 15 

Delta Chapter of the Delta Kappa Gamma Society International Scholarship in Education

Applicant must be a graduate or undergraduate student enrolled in a curriculum leading to teacher licensure. Preference is given to relatives of Delta Kappa Gamma members. 

GPA: Minimum 3.00. Deadline: February 15

Elizabeth Clements Womack Scholarship in Elementary Educatoin

Applicant must be a full-time undergraduate student majoring in Middle Level Education. 

GPA: Minimum 2.50. Deadline: February 15 

Ethen Bowden Stricklin Scholarship

Applicant must be a Junior or Senior enrolled in a curriculum leading to licensure in Middle Level Education. Preference will be given to a resident of a rural Tennessee County. 

GPA: Minimum 3.00. Deadline: February 15 

Helen S. Potts Scholarship

Applicant must be a full-time student and resident of Tennessee. Preference is given to residents of Williamson County, Sophomore level or higher. Consideration to non-academic activities. 

Deadline: February 15

James L. Gore Scholarship in Education

Applicant must be a Sophomore or higher enrolled in a program leading to licensure in professional education. 

GPA: Minimum 3.00. Deadline: February 15

James L. and Josephine Hitt Endowed Scholarship

Applicant must be a full-time student pursuing a Secondary Education minor. 

Deadline: February 15

James Madison Memorial Fellowship

Awarded to prospective and current secondary school teachers of American History, American Government or Social Studies in grades 7-12 for graduate study of history and principles of the U. S. Constitution. Contact the College of Graduate Studies for specific details and eligibility requirements. 

Applications: Sam Ingram Building Deadline: March 1.

Marge Boutwell Scholarship in Early Childhood Education

Applicant must be a Junior in Early Childhood Education (Pre K-3) or Middle Level Education (K-5). 

GPA: Minimum 3.00. Deadline: February 15

Mary Belle Robinson Endowed Scholarship

Applicant must be a Junior or Senior full-time student majoring in Middle Level Education with a strong preference for a female student. Must have graduated from a public high school in the Tennessee counties of Bedford, Coffee, Marshall, Rutherford or Wilson. 

GPA: 3.5 or higher. Deadline: February 15 

Mary Florence Betts Scholarship in Education

Applicant must be a full-time graduate or undergraduate student enrolled in a program leading to licensure in education. Preference is given to residents from Stewart or Montgomery Counties. 

Deadline: February 15  

Mary Tom Berry Scholarship

Applicant must be a graduate or undergraduate student enrolled in a curriculum designed for primary education (Pre K-3rd grade or K-6th grade) or the teaching of reading. Competence in oral and written language skills with a commitment to excellence. 

GPA: Minimum 2.50 undergraduate, 3.00 graduate. Deadline: February 15 

Middle Tennessee Retired Teachers’ Future Teachers Scholarship

Awarded to an MTSU student every four years. Next award: 2012, 2016, 2020. Applicant must be a Junior, Senior or graduate student enrolled in a curriculum leading to teacher licensure and admitted to Teacher Education. Applicants will be interviewed by representatives from the Middle Tennessee Retired Teachers Association. 

GPA: Minimum 2.50. Deadline: March 29. 

Middle Tennessee State University Education Association Scholarship

Applicant must be enrolled as a full-time student in a curriculum leading to teacher licensure, Sophomore or above and demonstrated competence in written language skills. Preference is given to dependents of the Association membership. 

GPA: Minimum 3.00. Deadline: February 15

Betty Jo Hyde Welch Memorial Scholarship

Applicant must be a Junior or Senior enrolled in a curriculum leading to teacher licensure in Middle Level Education and demonstrate service to the campus and community. 

GPA: Minimum 3.50. Deadline: February 15 

Miss Mary Hall Scholarship in Interdisciplinary Studies

Applicant must be enrolled in a curriculum leading to teacher licensure and be eligible for admission to Teacher Education. 

Deadline: February 15 

Nin Lee Scholarship

Applicants must be admitted to the Teacher Education program in a curriculum leading to teacher licensure in Middle Level Education or Educational Leadership. 

Deadline: February 15 

Dr. Quill E. Cope Scholarship

Applicants must be enrolled in a curriculum leading to teacher licensure in Middle Level Education in Elementary Education and Special Education with emphasis in Kindergarten through 4 th or 4 th through 8 th grades only. 

Must meet one of the following: Incoming Freshman with a minimum ACT of 25 and high school GPA of 2.80; full-time transfer student with a minimum college GPA of 2.80, currently enrolled with a minimum GPA of 2.80. 

Deadline: February 15 

Roberta Payne Walker Memorial Scholarship

Applicant must be a Junior or Senior majoring in Library Science or Education. Preference to Rutherford or Robertson County students. 

GPA: 3.2. Deadline: February 15 

Ruth and Will Bowdoin Scholarship in Early Childhood Education

Applicant must be enrolled in a curriculum leading to licensure in Early Childhood Education planning to teach young children. Preference given to African-American students, residents of Tennessee or Alabama. 

GPA: Minimum 2.50. Deadline: February 15 

Rutherford County Retired Teachers Association Scholarship

Applicant may be a graduate or undergraduate student enrolled in a curriculum leading to teacher licensure. Preference given to a Rutherford County resident. 

GPA: Minimum 3.00. Deadline: February 15 

Sylvia Snow Crowder Scholarship

Applicant must be enrolled in a curriculum leading to teacher licensure in Middle Level Education and must have good moral character with academic success. First preference to a Sumner County Resident, second preference to a Rutherford County Resident. 

Deadline: February 15 

Will Bowdoin Scholarship in Education

Applicant must be an undergraduate or graduate student enrolled in a curriculum leading to certification in K-12. Must have personal and professional competencies leading to quality teaching. Preference will be given to minority students from Tennessee or Alabama. 

GPA: Minimum 2.50 Deadline: February 15

Tennessee Student Assistance Corporation (TSAC)

Scholarships: Christa McCauliffe Scholarship 
Loan Forgiveness 
Minority Teaching Scholars 
Tennessee Math and Science Teacher 

All TSAC Scholarships applications must be completed online.

Located in the College of Education Building
Phone: (615)898-5238 or (615)898-5016